Event Logo Image
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Diamond: Title Sponsorship (12 included) $0.00
  • 12 VIP tickets, as indicated above 
  • Exclusive Press Release to local newspapers (87,031 Total Impressions)
  • Year-round branding/partnership and recognition on all Gala advertising
  • Your business name and logo included in Gala logo and branding
  • Dedicated email to CCA's exclusive 4,500 email list
  • Video spotlight on CCA-TV
  • Plus all of the below (additional tickets not included)

Platinum: High Roller Sponsorship (8 included) $0.00
  • 8 VIP Tickets, as indicated above

  • Signage on the 56 Freeway Fence seen by commuters daily

  • Meet the Sponsors Email Blast to CCA’s exclusive 4,500 Email list

  • Plus all of the below (additional tickets not included)

Gold: Hit the Jackpot Sponsorship (6 included) $0.00
  • 6 VIP Tickets, as indicated above

  • Targeted Facebook Post promoting Gala, Impressions 20,000

  • Plus all of the below (additional tickets not included)

Silver: Royal Flush Sponsorship (4 included) $0.00
  • 4 VIP Tickets, as indicated above

  • Sponsors Email Blast (minimum 3x) to CCA’s exclusive 4,500 email list

  • Inclusion in Gala Press Release to local newspapers, Impressions 87,031

  •  Plus all of the below (additional tickets not included)

Bronze: Dealer's Choice Sponsorship (2 included) $0.00
  • 2 VIP Tickets, as indicated above

  • Your logo on all digital and print media - Program, Website

I would like to make a donation


Thank You to Our Sponsors